Thursday, November 08, 2007

Visiting Bixby

While this picture may be a little blurry, the commitment and hard work by President Sue Ward and Bobbie Brummett are clearly in focus as they make sure their
members are informed of the latest educational issues.

I joined members of the OEA staff as we spent time talking about the extended day/year and pay for test scores/merit pay proposals being discussed by our legislature. Teachers didn't hesitate to sign the OEA petition to address the extended day/year petition.

Their thoughts on merit pay/pay for test scores were equally as strong. Many thought it ironic that people with no connection to our children and schools could even think about making such a recommendation.

I met a number of teachers and support professionals who are working long hours for the success of their school. I would encourage Bixby's state senator and state representative to meet those fine individuals and truly spend a day in their shoes.

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