Monday, March 02, 2009

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Today is the 105th anniversary of Dr. Seuss' birthday and we celebrated this occasion at Will Rogers Elementary School in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Today's event was put together by Brian Atkins, SOEA/OSU President. The kids and teachers all got a great chuckle as the Cat tried to find someone who could wiggle their ears--without their hands. One one young man did, everyone cheered his efforts.

All of the kids will receive a book from "Feed the Children" and they were all pretty excited as Brian, SOEA/OSU advisor Suzi Parson, OEA Communications Specialist Doug Folks and I passed out books for all the kids. Not to be left out were the Will Rogers teachers who all received a classroom performance chart and the 2009 RAA poster with co-chairs OSU's Zac Robinson and OU's Sam Bradford.

While the kids were disappointed to learn the Zac and Sam weren't able to be at the program (they are in class) I did get to share with the kids how good of students the 2 young men are and how reading has helped get them all the way to college. They all pledged to read, "each day and each night, (because) they know it's the key to growing up right."

While we won't have a program at the other Stillwater schools, all of the kids will be getting books courtesy of "Feed the Children" and Brian who is delivering all of them.

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