Friday, February 13, 2009

Legislative Update-SB834

School Deregulation bill hearing next week

Please tell the Senate members you are opposed to Senate Bill 834. The bill is this year’s end-all deregulation bill. It threatens your local association’s right to negotiate a contract and would eventually deregulate all Oklahoma Public Schools. In addition, you will lose the following rights:

*Due process

*No class size limitations

*No teacher quality

*Bargaining a contract

*Minimum salary schedule

*No guaranteed salary

*Health benefits

*Personal leave days

*Payroll deduction of dues.

This is part of the most recent OEA Legislative Update that went to our members on February 11th. We need you to be actively involved in the decisions made at the Capital and you do that by contacting your Senator and Representative and let them know how you feel about legislation that affects your students, your classroom and you.

Please make sure you address SB834. Under Oklahoma law, school districts already have the right to deregulate. This is unnecessary and is more of the same "so-called reform" that is bandied about when legislators don't want to address investing in our kids. Tell your Senators to vote no on SB834.

Don't forget about our OEA Lobby Day on March 25th. For more information and to register go here.

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