Friday, February 27, 2009

Amendments to SB 834:Still a Bad Bill

After passing the Senate Education Committee, there are new amendments for this bill that would not allow a school district to deregulate the minimum salary schedule, paying into the teacher's retirement system and continuing to participate in the state health insurance program.

These changes mean that Senator Ford and others are listening to your calls and emails. While the amendments change the original bill, Senate Bill 834 is still a bad bill for kids, teachers and schools.

Elimination of the class size rules makes it extremely difficult for all kids to have the attention they deserve. Class size is one of the most important issues for parents and teachers.

The use of non-certified teachers (not the same thing as highly qualified) and the elimination of professional learning opportunities are serious teacher quality issues impacting children. The single best determinant of a child's success in the classroom is the quality of the teacher.

The lifting of caps on a variety of costs measures, including restriction's on a districts carryover balance will ensure money won't go where it's needed most--to kids and their classrooms.

A bad bill is a bad bill. Please continue to contact your elected officials and voice your opposition to SB 834.

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