Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Alva Middle School

Yesterday I was in Alva to do an interview with the local paper. After finishing up at the paper, I went over to the Middle School to say hello to our local President, Mary Hamilton and active OEA member Jeff Levetzow. Mary and Jeff introduced me to their principal, Mr. Terry Conder.

Mary invited me to speak to her class about the extended school day and year. The kids already knew about the issue and I tried my best to answer their questions. By the time we were finished, I think they were very interested in the concept of the year-round school, where they would go to school for nine weeks and then get three weeks off.

Alva is a community where many of the kids are involved in farm work. This is one of the reasons that the local districts should have a say in a variety of issues around their schools and put together programs that meet the needs of the community. Mandates from the Oklahoma State Legislature don't always address the uniqueness of every district.

I had a wonderful time in Alva. It's always fun getting to be a part of a classroom and to share with kids and wonderful teachers like Mary and Jeff.

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